Graduating from BME at NTU and aiming for a master's degree in the automatic group of EE.
Due to my intense interest in state-of-the-art robotics technology and enjoyment of various new things, I have extensive experience in image processing, machine learning, robotic system integration, kinematics and dynamics of robotic manipulators, control system, etc.
I have been obsessed with playing table tennis since elementary school. I am crazy about the speed, the passion and the concentration of this competitive sport. However, I haven't received any official and formal training until I got into the college. Different table tennis techniques and playing styles has totally broadened my eyes, which inspired me a lot and also made me believe I have a lot to work on and my ping pong journey is still going on.
I want to be better,
A better table tennis player,
A better guitar player,
A better robotic engineer,
I will keep moving on,
And nothing can stop me.